My major interest and need is definitely making portraits,   

003. Portrait of my mother with her walker
Portrait of my mother with her walker, Acrylic on canvas, 113 x 158 cm (2011)
004. Veiled Woman with a Bold Face
Veiled Woman with a Bold Face,  Etching and Burin on paper, 8 x 10 in (2021)
005. Old Bearded Man Knitting
Old Bearded Man Knitting,  Mezzotint on paper, 8 x 10 in (2021)
006. Man Sitting Wearing a Patterned Sweater
Man Sitting Wearing a Patterned Sweater, Mezzotint on paper, 8 x 10 in (2021)
007. Man Peeling an orange
Man Peeling an orange,Etching on paper, 8 x 10 in (2021)
010. My Son Barhouma naked and yawning
My Son Barhouma naked and yawning,Etching and aquatint on paper, 29 x 48 cm (2015)
012. My Son Barhouma Seated and Pulling on his Shirt
My Son Barhouma Seated and Pulling on his Shirt,Etching and aquatint on paper, 29 x 48 cm (2015)
013. My son Barhouma pulling on his penis
My son Barhouma pulling on his penis, Etching and burin on paper, 20 x 20 cm, December 2015
014. Self Portrait
Self-portrait,Lead pencil on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm (July 2011)
014. Self-portrait through a hexagonal prism
Self-portrait through a hexagonal prism, Acrylic on canvas, 25 x 35 cm (2016)
015. Marianne dans une petite bassine
Marianne in a small basin,Etching and Drypoint on paper, 20 x 25 cm (July 2014)
098. Self-portrait painting my mother
Self-portrait painting my mother, Oil on canvas, 1998
Portrait de dr. Souha Nasreddine
Portrait de dr. Souha Nasreddine, acrylique sur toile, 2014
Stef, moi et le serpent
Stef, moi et le serpent, acrylique sur toile, 50 x 60 cm, 2011
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