This series is also part of my effort to represent peripatetic people. It has been executed a few years ago, mainly as acrylic "grisailles" on relatively big format canvases.

001. Mothers and children on the move
Mothers and children on the move, Acrylic on canvas, 130 x 195 cm (2016)
002. Two women on the move, carrying their babies
Two women on the move, carrying their babies Acrylic on canvas, 130 x 195 cm (2016)
003. Group portrait, with Marianne and Barhouma
Group portrait, with Marianne and Barhouma, Acrylic on canvas, 155 x 173 cm (2014)
004. Old traveling merchant with keffiyeh
Old traveling merchant with keffiyeh, Acrylic on canvas, 130 x 195 cm (summer 2014) 
Pancake vendor
Pancake vendor, Acrylic on canvas (summer 2016)
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